
The complementary colour palette of our stunning collection of waistcoats is designed to work well with your outfit and our extensive choice of neckwear.
With most waistcoats available in sizes 20R to 60R, you can be sure all your party will have a co-ordinated look on the day!
Our Contemporary Colour Palette

Silver Stripe

Silk Grey

Silver Scroll

Ivory Scroll

Ivory Neat

Silver Neat

Ivory Leaf

Ivory Leaf Stripe

Silver Diamond

Ivory Pink

Coffee Cairo

Dove Grey

Pink Pinhead

Lilac Pinhead

Lemon Diamond

Ivory Stripe

White Pinhead

Purple Ripple

Wine Quill

Ivory Lilac Leaf

Green Diamond

Ivory Burgundy Vine

Ivory Champagne Diamond

Silver Double Breasted

Silver Leaf

Silver Purple Leaf

Champagne Diamond

Grey Check

Slim Fit Black

Navy Tailored

Grey Double Breasted

Mid Grey Waistcoat

Slim Fit Blue

Slim Fit Grey

Pale Blue Waistcoat

Pale Blue Double Breasted Waistcoat